
  1. The findings of the survey will be published in the weekly newsmagazine India Today and group publications.
  2. Please fill in information for all Post Graduation (PG) degree courses offered at this campus only.
  3. The Universities should be offering PG degree courses and should have a minimum of 3 passed-out batches by 31 Dec 2024.
  4. To participate in the ranking process, a university would require to "Register" itself with an authorized email ID & create a password. After Registration, the concerned person can fill the online participation form. It has an option to "Save" the data filled till date. Once the data is submitted then it cannot be edited though one can see what they have submitted through registered email ID & password.
  5. You can also download the submitted data in an excel file.
  6. The online participation form has eleven sections plus an Upload section.
  7. Please ensure that all sections are duly filled-in. Do not leave any questions blank. If you do not have data, put "0", do not leave it blank. Incomplete questionnaires will not qualify for the final rankings.
  8. India Today has copyright over this survey and rankings.
  9. By participating in this ranking, the participating university agrees that it would provide full co-operation and documentary evidence of the data/ information provided. At the time of the visit of MDRA/ India Today representative for verification, the university would ensure complete co-operation.
  10. Universities are requested to provide information only for all PG degree programs offered within the campus (and NOT of constituent/ affiliated colleges).
  11. If any information provided by the University is found to be incorrect during verification, the university would be ineligible for participation in the ranking process.
  12. Only full-time, Classroom-based PG degree courses are being considered for this ranking (part-time, diploma courses, or distance-learning programs WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED).
  13. Until stated otherwise, all information to be provided for Academic Year (AY) 2023-24.
  14. No fee/ money is to be paid by any University for participating in India Today-MDRA Best Universities ranking to anyone in any manner/ mode.
  15. Please submit your participation form along with supporting documents latest by 02nd April 2025.
  16. Do not forget to upload the “Declaration Form” duly signed & sealed by the head of the university
  17. Please contact in case of any query/ clarification:
Mr. Abhishek Agrawal
Executive Director
Marketing and Development Research Associates (MDRA)
#34-B, Research House, Community Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110 017
For any query, please contact:
Mr. Abnish Jha
Project Director
Marketing and Development Research Associates (MDRA)
#34-B, Research House, Community Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110 017
Phone: +91-11-26522244, 49849166, M : -+91-9582254611